Source: The Observer >> Read full article and comment
The pros and cons of procreation
To spawn or not to spawn? (…………………………. ) Hitherto its mouthpiece has appeared to be the Optimum Population Trust (patron: David Attenborough)Proc. Its core message: that the projected 70-80 million additions to earth every year represent environmental catastrophe.
Every day 10,000 new inhabitants will, according to the OPT, begin using life-sustaining resources and emit carbon when the planet just can’t take it. (…………………………. )The OPT’s “Stop at Two” pledge encourages us to stop procreating after we’ve replaced ourselves.
But eco warriors send mixed messages. (…………………………. ) there’s a green campaigner angsting over oestrogen pollution from the pill and condoms killing coral reef.
Meanwhile, environmental writer Fred Pearce, in his book Peoplequake,argues that (…………………………. ) population is declining. Environmentally, he says, it’s about overconsumption in rich nations, not overcrowding globally… Read full article and comment